
My most recent flight was to Dublin and back. The fight itself was so so busy, we literally had about 5 minutes to eat on the way there! Let’s just say the Irish like to drink… 😉
I had a really great crew, so we had a lovely time and 6 of us went out to explore the city (it might have had something to do with the fact that I forced everyone to come to Primark/Penny’s!) – the weather was nice, very very cold but lovely and sunny!



We got back to the hotel in the evening and I climbed straight into bed and slept until the wake-up call the next morning!


  1. January 6, 2015 / 1:31 am

    hi there! on your post before this, you wrote your next roster has KL so your third time. did you swap this? if you wanted to swap, its 100% ok right? and does a computer have to authorise your swap ? because what if the flight you’re eyeing cuts into your next scheduled flight? thanks!!

    • January 15, 2015 / 12:54 pm

      I didn’t swap it, sometimes you just get rostered the same flights. You can usually swap most flights, there are a lot of legalities involved though (such as a certain amount of days off needed, timing, language speakers etc) and the computer send your swap through the system, and if it is valid the other person can just click “accept”. You could also try and swap two flights in a row!

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