I have to say I didn’t think this day would ever come, but the past couple of days I have not been feeling myself at all…and now I’m admitting it, I feel homesick!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dubai, but after my last trip I came back and nobody was home, and I realised why a lot of crew say this can be a very lonely job! I went to Zurich, which was an amazing flight, such a lovely crew and really nice passengers as well. I even had to make the German PA for the first time which I was shitting myself slightly about, but I managed not to mess up 😀 We had a great layover and all the crew came to the hotel bar for drinks (even the FO joined us!) in the evening, and the next day a few of us took the train into the city for a little walk around. It was my first layover in a cold place, and I guess a combination of that and speaking German again made me miss home!
I never thought I would say that, because I’m not a person that gets homesick at all! I’ve lived away from home so many times – France for 6 months aged 13, Costa Rica for 6 months aged 17, Spain for 3 months aged 18…moving to Austria when I was almost 15, and I have never really felt homesick! Maybe it was because I knew I was coming home? But I’m planning on staying here in Dubai for a long time, and I think it hit home that I don’t know when I’m going to see my family next!
So for now I’m just trying not to think about home too much and focus on my next trip….to Singapore and Melbourne! SO SO SO excited! It’s a 5 day trip, which should be fun as so far I’ve only had 24 hour layovers. In Melbourne I’ll be meeting up with my cousin which I am looking forward to a lot!
After the Zurich flight some of the crew arranged to go out in the evening, which was really nice as usually everyone says bye and then you never see each other again!
Yesterday a few of the girls and I were going to go out for dinner and drinks….it turned into another night out! Was very fun though and I stopped feeling homesick which was great. I’ve missed seeing everyone!
Thought I would put in a couple of pictures of Zurich…it’s a pretty place, but the weather was pretty cloudy and there isn’t really all that much to see/do!